Monday, 21 January 2013

How to Feel Happier in Your Job

Wouldn't we all love to be happier at work and not have that ‘Monday Morning’ feeling? Perhaps we can improve how we feeling about our job by being thankful for the positive aspects of it, even if they aren't always so easy to see!

Lets be honest, we all have down days at work, days when we’re not sure we’re in the right job. That’s just reality.
In total, though, our progress comes from the series of tests that we overcome with the help of bosses and colleagues who give us a shot, promote our capabilities, and help us move forward.

Attitudes of gratefulness need to be practiced. To increase your job happiness, you can start by being thankful for:

The comfort of a paycheck, even if it’s less than what you may need or want, it’s predictability is a secure foundation for the financial and career choices you make going forward.

Essential job duties that help you master or expand your skills while learning how they impact the business and insights that can position you for another job within or outside your company

A difficult boss who requires you to become more assertive, a better negotiator, more thick skinned, a better performer, or a more strategic thinker

Trusted workmates who encourage you, teach you tricks of the trade, help you get out of your shell, walk you through disappointments, offer friendship

Good working conditions with current technologies, safe equipment, comfortable facilities, and benefits

Seek thankfulness
Every job doesn't meet our every need, but there are always good features we can be thankful for. The grass is not always greener, so we need to feed and water the grass we have under our feet.
The more you can grasp and internalize the reasons you have to be grateful in your job, the happier you will be. Smile…that helps too!

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