Saturday, 26 January 2013

3 Strategies to Turn What You Visualize Into Reality

An Ice Cream Sundae With Anchovies

As you read this vivid description of an ice cream sundae visualize, in your mind's eye, every tasty morsel, right down to the very last detail.
Start with a large scoop (or two) of the best, homemade, rich, creamy, sweet, ice cream. Ladle on delicious hot fudge, or caramel, maybe strawberry, and then sprinkle on nuts, or candy pieces, or maybe chunks of moist brownie. You choose. Next, add a mountain of smooth whipped cream. And now for the piece de resistance. You guessed it-Anchovies!

If you have a vivid imagination, you had no trouble visualizing this sweet, delectable treat. Even if your powers of imagination are limited or stymied, you still were able to imagine an ice cream sundae with fish on top. If you can imagine that, see it clearly in your mind's eye, even taste this concoction of conflicting tastes, you have the power within you to visualize and imagine anything and everything you want in your life.

Tip 1 - Make It Real
When you see something clearly in your mind's eye, it has the potential to become real. It creates a belief that allows for the vision to go from abstract to concrete, from a dream to a goal, and from a goal to achievement, success and joy. What you see or imagine must be vivid, precise, detailed and exactly what you want to achieve, receive, and believe. Add as much detail as you can, include everything from the size, the shape, the colour, the location, the cost/price, everything. Make it as real as possible.

Tip 2 - Be in the Present
Whatever you are visualizing, intending to manifest in your life, must be seen in your mind in the present tense. You have to see it happening now, see yourself holding it in your hand now, see yourself getting the promotion or the pay raise now, or holding the love of your life in your arms now. If you see things in your future, you have just visualized something beyond your reach. The only tangible thing you have in your life is the now. The future may never come. Now is the key.

Tip 3 - Night and Day
The best way to visualize something into manifestation is to see it constantly, in the morning when you wake, at points throughout your day, and at night before you go to sleep. The good news is that it doesn't have to take every minute of your day. You can bring about change, positive, good change by spending 15-20 seconds thinking about and seeing the change you want and desire. That's all the time it takes but must be done often throughout your day, everyday until your desired outcome is at hand, until you have brought that outcome to fruition simply because you believed in the outcome and literally saw it through to reality.

Follow these tips and you will see your way to more joy, happiness, love, and success in your life

John F Nepper

Thursday, 24 January 2013

How to Deal with Negative People

Do you have any friends or colleagues who are negative? If so, you’ll know they aren’t the most enjoyable people to be around. Negative people can be real downers in any conversation. No matter what you say, they have a way of spinning things in a negative direction. Some negative people can be so negative that it feels draining just being around them.

Here, I’ll share with you 9 tips to deal with negative people in your life:

1) Don’t get into an argument

One of the most important things I learned is not to debate with a negative person. A negative person likely has very staunch views and isn’t going to change that just because of what you said. Whatever you say, he/she can find 10 different reasons to back up his/her viewpoint. The discussion will just swirl into more negativity, and you pull yourself down in the process. You can give constructive comments, and if the person rebutts with no signs of backing down, don’t engage further.

2) Empathize with them

Have you ever been annoyed by something before, then have someone tell you to “relax”? How did you feel? Did you relax as the person suggested or did you feel even more worked up?
From my experience, people who are negative (or upset for that matter) benefit more from an empathetic ear than suggestions/solutions on what he/she should do. By helping them to address their emotions, the solutions will automatically come to them (it’s always been inside them anyway).

3) Lend a helping hand

Some people complain as a way of crying for help. They may not be conscious of it though, so their comments come across as complaints rather than requests. Take the onus to lend a helping hand. Just a simple “Are you okay?” or “Is there anything I can do to help you?” can do wonders.

4) Stick to light topics

Some negative people are triggered by certain topics. Take for example: One of my friends sinks into a self-victimizing mode whenever we talk about his work. No matter what I say (or don’t say), he’ll keep complaining once we talk about work.
Our 1st instinct with negative people should be to help bring them to a more positive place (i.e. steps #2 and #3). But if it’s apparent the person is stuck in his/her negativity, the unhappiness may be too deeply rooted to address in a one-off conversation, or for you to help him/her unravel it. Bring in a new topic to lighten the mood. Simple things like new movies, daily occurrences, common friends, make for light conversation. Keep it to areas the person feels positive towards.

5) Ignore the negative comments

One way to help the negative person “get it” is to ignore the negative comments. If he/she goes into a negative swirl, ignore or give a simple “I see” or “Ok” reply. On the other hand, when he/she is being positive, reply in affirmation and enthusiasm. Do this often and soon he/she will know positivity pays off. He/she will adjust to be more positive accordingly.

6) Praise the person for the positive things

Negative people aren't just negative to others. They’re also negative to themselves. If you already feel negative around them, imagine how they must feel all the time. What are the things the person is good at? What do you like about the person? Recognize the positive things and praise him/her for it. He/she will be surprised at first and might reject the compliment, but on the inside he/she will feel positive about it. That’s the first seed of positivity you’re planting in him/her and it’ll bloom in the long-term.

7) Hang out in 3′s or more people

Having someone else in the conversation works wonders in easing the load. In a 1-1 communication, all the negativity will be directed towards you. With someone else in the conversation, you don’t have to bear the full brunt of the negativity. This way you can focus more on doing steps #1 (Empathizing) and #2 (Helping the person).

8) Be responsible for your reaction

Whether the person is negative or not, ultimately you’re the one who is perceiving the person is negative. When you recognize that, actually the negativity is the product of your lens. Take responsibility for your perceptions. For every trait, you can interpret it in a positive and a negative manner. Learn to see the goodness of the person than the negative. It may be tough initially, but once you cultivate the skill, it becomes second nature.

9) Reduce contact with them / Avoid them

If all else fails, reduce contact with them or avoid them altogether. If it’s a good friend, let him/her know of the severity of the issue and work it out where possible. It’s not healthy to spend too much time with people who drain you. Your time is precious, so spend it with people who have positive effects on you.

Monday, 21 January 2013

How to Feel Happier in Your Job

Wouldn't we all love to be happier at work and not have that ‘Monday Morning’ feeling? Perhaps we can improve how we feeling about our job by being thankful for the positive aspects of it, even if they aren't always so easy to see!

Lets be honest, we all have down days at work, days when we’re not sure we’re in the right job. That’s just reality.
In total, though, our progress comes from the series of tests that we overcome with the help of bosses and colleagues who give us a shot, promote our capabilities, and help us move forward.

Attitudes of gratefulness need to be practiced. To increase your job happiness, you can start by being thankful for:

The comfort of a paycheck, even if it’s less than what you may need or want, it’s predictability is a secure foundation for the financial and career choices you make going forward.

Essential job duties that help you master or expand your skills while learning how they impact the business and insights that can position you for another job within or outside your company

A difficult boss who requires you to become more assertive, a better negotiator, more thick skinned, a better performer, or a more strategic thinker

Trusted workmates who encourage you, teach you tricks of the trade, help you get out of your shell, walk you through disappointments, offer friendship

Good working conditions with current technologies, safe equipment, comfortable facilities, and benefits

Seek thankfulness
Every job doesn't meet our every need, but there are always good features we can be thankful for. The grass is not always greener, so we need to feed and water the grass we have under our feet.
The more you can grasp and internalize the reasons you have to be grateful in your job, the happier you will be. Smile…that helps too!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

How to Understand Yourself Better

Observe and understand the people that surround you.
Observe the 5 people you hang out with the most. In them you’ll find exactly how you believe yourself to be at any given moment.
“Peoples judgments are more about themselves than they are about you.”
The same is true the other way around.
If you judge the people around you in certain ways, those certain ways will reveal your level of thinking. Negativity indicates that you have thoughts that aren’t in alignment with who you truly are. Observing and understanding how you see the people around you will reveal your current habitual thoughts and beliefs. Understanding how you think, and why you believe what you believe, will help you understand yourself better as well.

Listen for Hidden Wisdom From other People
People see the world in the manner that they are ready to see it. Sometimes you can hear something from one person, but it won’t click until you hear it from a different person.
Because your beliefs form the channels of which reality can flow to you. Insight about the self will sometimes come from other people. With practice you’ll be able to recognize what’s true to you. Apparently, conversation isn’t as coincidental as it seems.

Do Something Challenging
You know exactly what you think of yourself when challenges arise. Challenges provide opportunities for you to re-calibrate your thinking. You always receive challenges that you have the ability to win. Life is a mirror, and challenges are opportunities to learn more about whom you are and what you can be.

Write in a Weekly Journal
Thought is powerful. Writing in a journal will reveal to you exactly where you focus that power. A journal helps you to better understand yourself with reflection. Every time you learn something new and then reread your journals, you learn how to change reality with your thoughts.

Bonus Tip: Write your journal so that the events, thoughts, and beliefs, read the way you would like them to be.
Example: You write what really happened in your day, and rewrite it transformed into what you’d like for it to happen.
The reason for doing this is to focus the mind on the reality that you would like to experience.
When it comes to the subject of thought: “Like attracts like.”

Hang Out With Positive People
“Birds of a feather flock together.”
Hang out with positive people and you will understand more of your positive traits. You will soon realize how reality responds to thoughts and actions, and you’ll feel positive emotions. Positive emotions are indications that you’re aligned with your true nature.
What better way to understand yourself better then to be aligned with your true nature?

Friday, 18 January 2013

Get Motivated and Achieve Your Goals

If you’re going to achieve your deepest dreams and desires, you must understand how your mind works. When you learn how to tap into the deep reserves of your mind, you turn:

·         Probably into possibly
·         ‘I can’t’ into ‘I can’
·         ‘Can I?’ into ‘How can I?’

Here are some ways to get motivated and achieve your goals:

Feel It Already Done.
This works great for a fitness or wellness goal (or any goal). Most people have a hard time going to the gym because they’re so focused on all the pain and inconvenience of a workout – and since we habitually move away from pain – we dread going to the gym.
Instead, try feeling what it would be like if you had already finished your workout. Get those good vibes going. Feel what it would be like if you had already worked out. Feel energetic and alive. As you get into this state, your desire and enthusiasm to workout will inspire you to act.

Give Yourself A Reward.
This is very similar to feeling as if it is already done, but with one small difference. If you have a hard time feeling the feelings of having it already done, then the next best thing you can do is give yourself a reward. But don’t just give yourself a reward just for the sake of it – you want to feel the reward.
Feel the reward. Associate strong positive feelings with the end result – your reward. When you feel the reward, you reinforce that goal and your desire with your subconscious. You reinforce that goal to your subconscious when you reinforce the feeling. The stronger and more positive the feelings are, the faster you leap into action.

Work With A Finish Line.
Be clear with your outcome from the very beginning. Set a finish line.

Create Reasons Why You Will Succeed.
The majority of people are so focused on the negative aspects of their goals that they can’t help but talk themselves out of them. The way to gain back control is by gently bringing your attention to the reasons why you can do something – as opposed to the very opposite.
The more often you focus on what you can do – the easier and more natural it becomes for you to go out and start doing it. You must realize that your mind is not in control – you are.
Start managing your mind by creating a list of reasons why you can’t help but achieve your goal. As you begin this process, your confidence and enthusiasm will soar.

Have A Bigger Vision.
This is my absolute favourite way of getting motivated. It takes less time commitment on a day-to-day basis, but requires your persistence. This type of sustaining motivation is for much bigger goals.
It’s better fit for the ambitious type who has a much bigger project or goal to accomplish; one that will take you more than a year to complete. If you want sustaining motivation that grows stronger and more compelling each and every day, create a bigger vision. The way to do that is by visualizing your outcome daily for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Use “Pain” as Leverage.
Use pain as a motivator. Think of an important goal you would like to accomplish in the next year. Now that you have it in mind, make an agreement with your wife/husband/brother/sister or anyone who knows you well. Put a contract in writing with them that says if you don’t achieve your goal in the next 3 months you will give them $500 in cash. Sign it.
For most people, loosing that kind of money is more painful than taking action towards their goals. They will instantly leap into action to avoid loosing that money – and guess what else happens?
You get motivated and do the impossible to achieve your goal

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Staying Positive when thing go wrong

Having and maintaining a positive attitude is vital for success in life and business. Zig Ziglar gets it right when he says, “It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude.”
Sure you need skills, but you can learn skills – in fact a positive attitude will make it much more likely that you will learn the skills necessary to succeed. If you take two people with an equal skill set the person with the better attitude will win.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to stay positive and keep a good attitude. As things go wrong throughout your day, it is easy to let negative thoughts start to take over. Thankfully there are many things that you can do to help maintain a positive attitude. These are things that you can do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to make sure you keep your positive focus.
  1. Read Positive and Inspiring Books  One of the best ways to maintain a positive attitude is by reading positive books. These books serve to encourage you, inspire you, and teach you. Reading requires that you sit still and focus, and by focusing on something positive it helps you to keep a positive mindset throughout the day.
  2. Listen to Podcasts/CDs/mp3s  The advantage of listening to podcasts, mp3s or CDs on the go. You can listen to motivating podcasts while you clean your house, exercise, or on a flight. In your car, you can play encouraging compact disks that help you make better use of your commute. Listening to recordings from people like Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, or John Maxwell can both teach and inspire you.
  3. Wake up Early  One of the best ways to help you maintain a positive attitude is to create the habit of waking up early. Waking up early allows you to get a head start on the day. You can prepare for work and start your day without feeling rushed. You can get a head start on important projects before the rest of the world is awake to interrupt you. You can spend time reading or in prayer or meditation. 
  4. Exercise  Very few things in life leverage your time as much as exercise. Obviously it makes a difference for your physical health, but it also has significant benefits to your mental health. Exercise is useful to combat depression and to improve overall positive mood. Further, if you exercise early in the morning you can go through your day knowing that you have already completed the most valuable activity you had to do!
  5. Plan Your Week and Day  Having a clear plan to your day and to your week can go a long way to helping you maintain a positive attitude. By knowing what you want to accomplish you will be able to focus on your important life priorities. A weekly plan allows you to match your long-term goals to your weekly accomplishments. Your daily plan allows you complete the activities you need to do so that you meet your weekly goals.
  6. Understand that Things Won’t Always Go as Planned  If you plan and expect everything in life will go as you planned, you will be quickly disappointed. One of the keys to maintaining a positive attitude is to understand that things will go wrong. If you expect things to go wrong, you won’t be phased when they do. So have a plan, but understand that things won’t follow the plan. The plan allows you to adapt to what went wrong and move back towards what is important.
  7. Be Thankful  Take some time and be thankful. Be thankful about what you have, who you are, and what your life is like. Think through all of the things that you can be thankful for. Even if you are in a tough time in life there are many things you have that you can be thankful for. You need to look for them and recognize them. The very act of focusing on what you are thankful for will help you maintain your positive attitude.
  8. Surround Yourself with Positive People  The people around you have a big impact on you. They impact who you are, how much money you will make, and what you value. They also impact how you think. If you surround yourself with negative people you will be negative as well. You can’t help it. Hearing negativity all day leads you to negativity. The opposite is also true. Surround yourself with positive people and you will be more positive.
Author: Danny Gamanche

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Finding your Enthusiasm

What would your job be like if everyday you were enthusiastic about doing it?
What would your relationship be like if your Enthusiastic about you’re partner and the life you are creating with them?
If your single, what would your life be like if you were Enthusiastic about about all the wonderful things you can do all by yourself? Or, Enthusiastic and hopeful about the potential wonderful relationship you may soon discover? (if that’s where you’re heading)
If you’re a parent, what would parenting be like if you were always enthusiastic about your children's constant demands and endless new interests?
Or, if you’re a student, what would school or college be like if you woke up everyday filled with a rich sense of enthusiasm and excitement for all the wondrous (and sometimes not so wondrous) new adventures to be had and learned in the wall of you school or college?
But who can be so enthusiastic about all these things?
A better question, perhaps more important question is: “If not Now, when?”
Odd example? The Bhagavhad Gita is one of the three most widely read religious books on the whole planet. In it, the Lord Krishna explains,
You do realize that this is your life right? To do with as you please, to make and shape into whatever you want it to be. There are going to be obstacles, losses, potentially even failure and defeat. More than that there is going to be boredom, tedium, and endless nonsense you don’t really want to do but for some reason or another you feel you must…
Those things are going to be part of your life. But I’m going to tell you a secret, you can make enthusiasm into a habit, and if you do that, very quickly you won’t really be able to tell the difference between something boring and tedious and something fun…
I know, this can be a difficult concept to embrace, so let’s slow down for a second and try to absorb it, because if you get it, it will change every aspect of your life into a stream of endless joys, one after another…
Here’s the choice you need to make: “Do you want to live life as a living dream come true, or not?” Simple decision, if you look at your life as a chance, as an endless stream of possibilities one after another, than it is your right, your privilege, and perhaps even your duty to find the “Enthusiasm for Living” which there just beneath the surface.
I’m not talking about enthusiasm for cooking dinner, or enthusiasm for taking classes, I’m talking about a general, all pervasive overriding enthusiasm for living flowing and glowing and growing in each and every one of your cells in each and every moment that you are alive…
Sure, sometimes it’s strong; sometimes it’s not so strong. Sometimes it comes easily, sometimes it takes a little effort. But if you have found inside of you a general ‘All Purpose Enthusiasm for life’ then it becomes readily easy and available to apply to any aspect of your life at any time you choose.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Benefits of Positive Thinking

You have probably had someone tell you to "look on the bright side" or to "see the cup as half full." Chances are good that the people who make these comments are positive thinkers. Researchers are finding more and more evidence pointing to the many benefits of optimism and positive thinking.
Such findings suggest that not only are positive thinkers healthier and less stressed, they also have greater overall well-being. According to positive psychology researcher Suzanne Segerstrom, "Setbacks are inherent to almost every worthwhile human activity, and a number of studies show that optimists are in general both psychologically and physiologically healthier."
Even if positive thinking does not come naturally to you, there are plenty of great reasons to start cultivating affirmative thoughts and minimizing negative self-talk.

Positive Thinkers Cope Better With Stress

When faced with stressful situations, positive thinkers cope more effectively than pessimists. In one study, researchers found that when optimists encounter a disappointment (such as not getting a job or promotion) they are more likely to focus on things they can do to resolve the situation. Rather than dwelling on their frustrations or things that they cannot change, they will devise a plan of action and ask others for assistance and advice. Pessimists, on the other hand, simply assume that the situation is out of their control and there is nothing they can do to change it.

Optimism Can Improve Your Immunity

In recent years, researchers have found that your mind can have a powerful effect on your body. Immunity is one area where your thoughts and attitudes can have a particularly powerful influence. In one study, researchers found that activation in brain areas associated with negative emotions led to a weaker immune response to a flu vaccine. Researchers Segerstrom and Sephton found that people who were optimistic about a specific and important part of their lives, such as how well they were doing in school, exhibited a stronger immune response than those who had a more negative view of the situation.

Positive Thinking Is Good for Your Health

Not only can positive thinking impact your ability to cope with stress and your immunity, it also has an impact on your overall well-being. The Mayo Clinic reports a number of health benefits associated with optimism, including a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular problems, less depression, and an increased lifespan. While researchers are not entirely clear on why positive thinking benefits health, some suggest that positive people might lead healthier lifestyles. By coping better with stress and avoiding unhealthy behaviors, they are able to improve their health and well-being.

It Can Make You More Resilient

Resilience refers to our ability to cope with problems. Resilient people are able to face a crisis or trauma with strength and resolve. Rather than falling apart in the face of such stress, they have the ability to carry on and eventually overcome such adversity. It may come as no surprise to learn that positive thinking can play a major role in resilience. When dealing with a challenge, optimists typically look at what they can do to fix the problem. Instead of giving up hope, they marshal their resources and are willing to ask others for help.
Researchers have also found that in the wake of a crisis, such as a terrorist attack or natural disaster, positive thoughts and emotions encourage thriving and provide a sort of buffer against depression among resilient people. Fortunately experts also believe that such positivism and resilience can be cultivated. By nurturing positive emotions, even in the face of terrible events, people can reap both short-term and long-term rewards, including managing stress levels, lessening depression, and building coping skills that will serve them well in the future.

Final Thoughts

Before you put on those rose-colored glasses, it is important to note that positive thinking is not about taking a "Pollyanna" approach to life. In fact, researchers have found that in some instances, optimism might not serve you well. For example, people who are excessively optimistic might overestimate their own abilities and take on more than they can handle, ultimately leading to more stress and anxiety.
Instead of ignoring reality in favor of the silver lining, psychologists suggest that positive thinking centers on such things as a belief in your abilities, a positive approach to challenges, and trying to make the most of bad situations. Bad things will happen. Sometimes you will be disappointed or hurt by the actions of others. This does not mean that the world is out to get you or that all people will let you down. Instead, positive thinkers will look at the situation realistically, search for ways that they can improve the situation, and try to learn from their experiences.

 By Kendra Cherry